Running a company is no
less than a big deal...There are many aspects that need to be catered
to, and maintenance is one of the important tasks that need utmost
attention; Finding a reliable janitorial cleaning service is vitally
important. The service providers should be able to handle the size of
the company, and also handle all tasks efficiently. While looking for
a trustworthy and certified janitorial service, here are a few things
to consider:
- While going through various companies, it is important to go through the company history, the number of employees working, the company’s clients, certifications, and testimonials from previous clients;
- It is very important that the company practices green cleaning; green cleaning emphasizes on least chemical use for cleaning and other tasks, however, companies which do not practice green cleaning make excessive use of chemicals in the office premises which can certainly be harmful in the longer run;
- The company which is on a lookout for a professional janitorial cleaning service should be clear on the requirement of cleaning and maintenance jobs- whether they need to hire for daily, weekly, or monthly services;
- It is important to have a clear communication with the company hired; also detailed contact information of the service should be available with the company that is hiring;
- It is important to screen each employee from the janitorial service who would be entering the office premises for cleaning; it is crucial from security point of view too;
- Before signing an agreement with a janitorial service, it is highly recommended to get a written estimate as far as the pricing is concerned; this minimizes chances of any ambiguity later on;
The decision to hire a
professional janitorial service can be a tough one, but is really
crucial, irrespective of how big or small the commercial
building/company is...
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